Category: Apache Batik
Batch Convert SVG to PNG Raster
Need to batch convert svg to png? I have a few thousand .svg files that I need to convert to raster, namely .png. I ended up using ImageMagick. Apparently it is the standard tool to use. However, Inkscape and Apache Batik are also capable of converting svg to a raster format. ImageMagick has a convert…
SVG, Apache Batik
The Java Drawing with Apache Batik tutorial book I ordered from Amazon arrived, very fast by the way. It seems pretty good. I think it is a must have for anybody starting out with batik. I’m only half way through, but so far I’m glad I bought it. Examples are good. Covers the main parts…
Apache Batik, Element ID, Width value
Using Apache Batik & need to get the ID of an element? Try doing this: // Get ID of first g element NodeList gElements = symbolSVGRoot.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgNS, “g”); Element firstGElement = (Element)gElements.item(0); String gID = firstGElement.getAttribute(“id”); Need to get the width value of the svg element? Try doing this: String widthAttribute = symbolSVGRoot.getAttribute(“width”);If the value has…
Apache Batik, VMWare Workstation
Ah ha, I figured out why I couldn’t get apache batik to draw. In the java code, I was adding a child element to the wrong parent. Did discover batik doesn’t support the textpath method=stretch feature and the font-face font-stretch feature. That sucks. For the most part, what I’m getting looks good, but there’s either…
Glyphs along a path, Apache Batik, SVG, Memory test
Finally got glyphs along a path working using hard coded values in an svg. Now I have to port it to batik to make things dynamic. Having problems so far. The svg has been ported over using all the hard coded values, but the applet won’t init. I’ve got things narrowed down & it appears…
Apache Batik
I’m currently using Apache Batik to draw an svg in the browser window. Part of what I need to do is create a pattern for an area using a third party svg. I was having problems creating the image tag in batik. Apparently for images you need to explicitly set the namespace for the attribute…
Welcome, Apache Batik, SVG
Welcome to my tech tips blog!I am a programmer and will mainly focus on new software information I learn in my day to day work. I will also post about any new, cool computer products I hear about and any other computer related information I find useful. Enjoy & feel free to leave comments any…