The Author of this post is Solomon Dejesus

I wanted to buy my husband Rich a new digital camera for Christmas last year, but I’m not the most tech-savvy person around, and I wasn’t sure I could find exactly what he wanted in the stores. So I did some comparison shopping using hughes satellite internet service and was really pleased at how smoothly the process went. I finally decided on a FujiFilm FinePix camera — it had a much longer battery life than our old camera, which was super-important, and it could store literally a thousand photos, which I knew would come in handy at our family reunion this year. 😀

The best part was I found a deal on Amazon where I got not only free shipping on the camera, but they also threw in a free carrying case as well. So not only did I get Rich a camera he loved, but I didn’t have to spend tons of money to do it — I think the whole gift was under a hundred dollars.

I’m so glad we upgraded to hughes wireless Internet last fall — I don’t think there was any way I could have done that sort of research using our old super-slow dial-up, and I probably would have just gotten frustrated and given up on the whole thing.


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