Windows Vista

I was thinking of buying myself a laptop when I receive my tax refund. Maybe I should have bought one before Windows Vistacame out though. A recent review I read reports many problems with Vista. Apparently “upgrades can be a pain, games might not play properly, a financial software, Quickbooks, for businesses can fail, MP3 players might not work & even software architects use, CAD, may slow to a crawl”. Hmmm, well that’s not good.
Apparently Korea’s banking system has already suffered sporadic computer failures. Vista’s security restrictions are causing the gaming problems.
Microsoft took out an option allowing easy upgrades from one version of Windows to a newer version. Apparently now in order to upgrade to Vista, you need an old version installed first. So if your hard drive with XP crashes you can’t just upgrade to Vista while you’re fixing everything. First you have to reinstall XP & then upgrade to Vista. That’s a pain in the butt.
Well, here’s a link to a Vista guideif you do decide to upgrade. I may wait until the spring before buying my laptop. Maybe most of Vista’s problems will be fixed by then. One can hope anyways.


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